Sastras and Science
Many of the concepts and words
which are central to India ’s
prestigious ancient language viz. Sanskrit have suffered from translation.
Sastra and Dharma are just two of them. Very often Sastra gets wrongfully
interpreted as modern Science and Dharma as Righteousness as we use now. Many
of the outstanding postulations and literary works by ancient Rishis of India
get ridiculed in modern times, especially by Indians with very clear vested
interests, mainly because of this utterly wrong translation. In ancient India , all
those fields of knowledge which has a rational base were considered Sastras.
This is in stark contrast with modern Science which is all about measurement,
objective evidence and zero nonconformity.
Quite in keeping with such a rational
definition of the Sastras, we have several branches of knowledge like
Astrology, Vaastu, Ayurveda, Yoga, Yagam, Tantra, Temples etc in ancient India which are
continuing to catch our attention even today. All of them have solid rational
basis but many of the theories within these fields may not have the solid
proofs that modern Science is asking for. But that does not belittle the
importance of all these fields of knowledge in the lives of common Indians.
Despite India ’s
great achievements in modern Science, most of the Hindu Indians still continues
to abide by these Sastras in their individual lives. Quite surprisingly, the latest
developments in the field of modern Science has started matching with these
Sastras in recent times.
Sankara’s Advaita
Ever since the Europeans started
illegitimately and immorally colonizing the rest of the world, they have
usurped the leadership in Science from the ancient civilizations like India , China
and Japan .
Quite expectedly history of Science is also being written by the Europeans
because Indians are one of least history-conscious people in the world. Though the
latest mathematical tool of Calculus was quite popular in India in 14th century (Madhava of
Sangamagrama), European historians have given the credit for its discovery to Newton and Leibnitz who
lived in the 17th century. And when almost all the Vedic literature
refers to heavenly bodies as Golas (meaning Spheres), the claim goes to Greek
and Roman astronomers. Luckily the credit for the modern numeral system and
zero still belongs to India
even though it is designated as Arabic numerals because Arab traders carried it
West from India .
Physics has always been the
cutting edge branch of Science that has shaped modern history of mankind.
Modern Physics owes its development so far to the continuous thread of
development from Aristotle to Galileo to Newton
to Einstein. It has successfully established Big Bang and answered most of our
questions with Stephen Hawkings in the lead. But for the unexpected development
in Quantum Theory, Albert Einstein, the most brilliant scientist in history so
far would have attained his Theory for Everything. The spooky behavior of
minute particles at a distance resulted in the failure of Einstein who
sincerely hoped that God will not play dice. As it stands today, most of the
definite measurement theories of Physics fail at the sub atomic level and only
probabilities are possible. It has been proven that the same particle can be
present at different points of space at the same time. Current talks about
eleven dimensional multiverses (Edward Witten) make it more evident that God is
indeed playing dice.
The latest developments in our
relentless pursuit for unraveling the universe bring the European Sciences face
to face with Hindu India’s Sastras once again. One of India ’s
greatest Rishis, Shri Adi Shankaracharya (CE 788-820) had established almost 1500
years ago that the world we see is really unreal, which essentially means it is
only probabilistic. The crux of his Advaita theory is that Brahman (not Brahma
or Brahmin) alone is real, and the phenomenal world is unreal or an illusion.
Modern Science is coming to the very same conclusion. Based on the
quintessential symmetry and cyclic nature of universe, it is quite possible
that there are trillions and billions of Micro Bangs occurring every nanosecond
and what we perceive as reality is the sum total of the interference of the after
effects of these staggered Micro Bangs.
Jagat is the Sanskrit word for the universe and it literally means Create,
Sustain and Destroy. No wonder the most brilliant mind that humanity produced
so far is called Jagatguru Adi Sankaracharya.