Black and White era has almost come to an end in all
fields of human endeavour. The Grey area is getting bigger and bigger
everywhere. With the advent of Quantum Theory in 1920s’ the Grey colour has
established its strong relevance even in the field of Physics and the
fundamental material existence of the universe. Nobody in this universe can be
100% confident about anything that we notice, see or observe. The surety about
everything is merely statistical. The Grey theory can be extended to any field
and branch of human knowledge.
In Finance and Commerce, we often talk of Assets and
Liabilities as two diametrically opposite concepts. But on a closer look, is it
really correct? Assets are some positive things that one owns and Liabilities
are exactly the opposite. It is a highly subjective idea. Assets of one entity
can and must be the liabilities of another. Then only we can have a financially
neutral world of finance and commerce. My own Assets must have created
Liabilities for another and Liabilities of someone else must have become the
Assets for another. It sounds perfect for the net financial neutrality of humanity.
But even more intriguing is the fact that Assets and
Liabilities can also oscillate with time for the same individual. Something
akin to the Observer effect in a Double-Slit experiment in Finance &
Commerce. Attempt a thought experiment about someone who is amassing real
estate over a period of time as Assets. If he or she is alone and falls
suddenly sick, these Assets will turn Liabilities in no time. Same is the case
with many other aspects of life. Anything material considered as Assets in our
lives can become our biggest Liabilities at any time. It is high time for all
of us to become a bit spiritual to understand the non-duality creeping into all
aspects of our lives.