Friday, December 09, 2016

Semitic Missionaries and Mosquitoes

The more we think about it, the more we notice the similarities between Missionaries and Mosquitoes. Missionary might have been a noble word and tribe in the West, but now in India, it is almost one of those four lettered ones. There is no doubt they had a space in the bygone era in spreading their new found ideology in distant lands. But now they have far outlived their utility value and have become pests in the midst of development of progressive societies. In this twenty-first century, they are nothing but Ideological Mosquitoes spreading the venom of religious hatred by cheating and luring poor people into their outdated and idiotic ideologies.

The style of operation of Mosquitoes and Missionaries is almost identical. Mosquitoes fly about their victims and settle at some convenient points. Many of their victims are aware of their presence but ignore them in good faith. And once they are settled in some vantage points, with the co-operation of their victims, they slowly and surreptitiously indulge in the most heinous of crimes against humanity – sucking out the blood and spreading the fatal viruses. Missionaries also do exactly the same. Our erstwhile Kings and present day rulers provided them all facilities and in return they spread the venom of communalism by religious conversion of the most vulnerable. Missionary work in Indian sub-continent is destroying this great nation from within and it is becoming a big business for the two Semitic religious invaders.

What should we do with these Mosquitoes? Should we allow their lethal work to continue unabated? Isn’t it time that we started dealing with these Missionaries in the same way as with the Mosquitoes? When the Mosquito population become intolerable, we usually destroy their ecosystem first. If that doesn’t work we use the Mosquito repellents or the nets for protection. If none of these methods work, we take the electric bat or our own hands to smash them on the wall splashing the blood they have sucked out of our body while spreading their deadly viruses. If their dangerous work continues without any remorse, retaliation is the only way to protect our body nation from these Missionary Mosquitoes. 

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Democracy and Demography

In a functioning democracy the majority will have to establish their decision by exercising their franchise and select those who will represent their interests. The catch comes here – who is the one who will genuinely represent our interests? Though it may not always be necessarily so, we always make the mistake that it has to be one among us. Many democracies got hijacked in the past because of this belief. And now it is clearly established in all democratic set ups throughout the world. The Whites will vote only for a White, Blacks for Blacks, Muslims for Muslims and Christians for Christians. The only exception in a pluralistic society are the so-called Hindus in India.

The recent election of a Muslim immigrant as London Mayor proves the point beyond any doubt. It mainly proves only one point, that London is a Muslim majority city. In a way, the year 2016 will go down in history as the year in which Western Colonialism reached its peak and turned its tide. It is going to be days of reverse colonialism since the days of the Industrial Revolution. Much beyond that, it even signifies the end of stability brought about by Crusades and the return of Islamic imperialism spreading its wings in Europe once again. By the end of 21st century, Christianity will become a minority religion in Europe and Arabian imperialism would have come of age.

The only places in the world, where others will be able to hold on may be Americas and Indian subcontinent. However, the fate of Indian subcontinent will always be on a suspense. Islam has already established its strong presence in pockets throughout India and by their organised reproduction will continue to capture power democratically in all these pockets very soon. Kashmir has already been lost. Kerala and West Bengal will follow suit within next five or six decades. Muslims have already tested their demographic technique successfully in their own Malappuram district in Kerala. The total number remaining capped, Muslim League has increased their MLA constituencies systematically be demographic means. Their ascent to democratic power is inevitable.

What will happen to the world then will be anybody’s guess? For the time being it is time for Rest in Peace.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

African Misery - by Missionaries and Mullahs

If our universe burst into being 13.8 billion years ago, our own earth came into being some 4.5 billion years ago and life started ticking about 4 billion years ago, mankind started off from the African continent only about a few lakh years ago. That’s why we always refer to the Dark continent as the Cradle of Humanity with reverence. We owe a lot to our great ancestors in the African jungles and even more to our own current cousins still resident there. But what have we done to the continent in return?

African continent is home to about 15% of the world’s population and it is more than a billion. It has more than 50 separate nations in its fold. All put together, barely 20% of the human beings in the entire Mother continent enjoy a decent living. The rest are submersed in poverty and utter misery. It is always true that movement is directly related to development and prosperity. Those people who have emigrated from the African continent in the past have developed into more prosperous nations and people. Asians have developed much more and Europeans & Americans have progressed much. Is lack of movement the single reason for African misery? No.

Africa’s curse can be easily attributed to the outright rivalry between two of the Semitic religions that have brought only negativity in the entire world. In their eagerness to increase their numbers, perhaps to impress their own respective Gods, the European Missionaries and Arabian Mullahs have indulged in rampant religious conversion by their tools of imperialism, coercion, violence and false promises of salvation. Their objectives lies only in religious conversion and not in sharing their wealth and affection with the newly converted. The net result has been utter poverty and misery for the entire continent.

There are lessons for Asian continent from this. During the turn of the twenty first century, the Christian Pope had declared that their next target is Asia. The sudden emergence of Petro-rich nations have also energised the Mullahs for capturing Asia. The entire Indian sub-continent is currently the focus of organised religious conversion by the Missionaries and Mullahs. If Asians do not learn from the African catastrophe, the same fate awaits Asia.  

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Relevant Mohan and Irrelevant Jawahar

Indians in twenty first century India are realising the irrelevance of Nehru and the increasing relevance of Mahatma Gandhi in their everyday lives. Despite the best efforts of Nehru dynasty to highlight and keep alive the allegations about the remote association of Godse with the rightist forces that have come to power with an overwhelming majority, every sensible Indian have come to recognise the importance of having a Right government to lead the nation with the Gandhian vision of Ramarajya. The complete neglect of rural India by the Nehruvian craze for pseudo-secularism is the single element that has kept India down so far.

Mahatma Gandhi realised early in his political career that the only way to get the Indian nation back into its glory is through transforming its rural people and agrarian economy in a righteous path. Throughout his career he kept on highlighting his real feel for the poor farmers and the downtrodden much more than the importance for power and parliament. It was the tussle between the power mongers like Jinnah and Nehru that resulted in partition and the subsequent efforts of Nehru to establish his own dynasty overlooking the real needs and aspirations of a great nation eager to regain its lost glory once again. Power hungry Nehru and his progeny was interested only in their ‘secular’ image by creating vote banks in line with their colonial masters.

It took almost half a century for the right mix of people, ideology and attitude to come to power in India. It is a strange coincidence that the real successor to Gandhian ideology in the form of an ordinary tea vendor who rose to become the undisputed leader in world’s largest democracy has come from the same background as Mahatma Gandhi. While the well-wishers of this great nation are eagerly waiting for the great turn-around, the selfish supporters of the dynasty and the entire spectrum of anti-national forces are working overtime to derail Modi’s strategies, programmes and efforts to leap ahead. Mahatma’s wishes will blossom through Modi’s efforts only if he can effectively neutralise the machinations of an irrelevant Nehruvian opposition. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

India’s Digital Character

No other nation in the world has the full spectrum, between the binary extremes, evident in all shades of life than our own India. We have sufficient number of Haves, disproportionately large number of Have-nots and the full spectrum of lower middle class, middle class and upper middle class in between. We have our own patented Caste System in terms of upper castes, middle and lower castes pushing the nation forward at all times. We have our own versions of blacks, greys and whites as far the skin colour goes. And we have unnourished, under-nourished and over-nourished who literally burst at the seams.

But nothing signifies the digital character of India more than its educated class which consists of the uneducated, undereducated, educated and overeducated, each making their own contributions to the society. In the modern era of humanity, Indian mindset found its real place when the computers and software industry started blooming about 25 years ago. Shruti system of maintaining continuity had always been a unique feature of Indian civilisation since time immemorial. The basis of Shruti lies in tremendous memory power and memory is nothing but the very foundations of digitalisation. India’s revered Rishis of yesteryears could not have remembered all the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Ithihasas etc., without the help of some of some digitised forms of memory.

Digital India has found a new promoter in the newly elected and vastly popular government in India. Modi’s firm belief that a more digitalised India will provide a more just and progressive system for its teeming millions is definitely not a misplaced one. Irrespective of their background and education, the youthful generations of India are highly talented and they have innovation in their DNA. All that Modi has to do is to provide them the infrastructure and encouragement. The rest will be history. India will come out all the most digitised society in a short span of time and the signs are already in the horizon.