Friday, September 04, 2020

‘Work from home’ - leading to a social pandemic?

Pandemic Covid-19 has forced millions of  young IT professionals to work from home. It was a natural reaction of the industry constrained by the pandemic. But months later, it is becoming a nightmare for many with no prospects of a return to normalcy any time soon. It might also become the standard norm. 

All those who have been following a fixed normal office timing are now being forced to work uninterrupted. Fathers are not attending to their duties at home and mothers are not even feeding their children. Both the elders and infants are ignored for the sake of job security.

The news of redundancy and ensuing retrenchment in the industry are making matters worse for those with less than a decade of experience. Sadly it is the same age group that should be building up their own families. 

Another factor that has affected these families is the lack of space at home. Imagine the problem for those IT couples struggling in major cities with limited space suddenly turning their home into office for meetings and working. There should be no disturbance and sound.

The impact of this paradigm shift on the society at large is far too complex. The situation is worsening because IT industry has become biggest employer in most countries. 

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Virtual Tourism Parlours

If WHO makes another blunder or a genuine pandemic happens within next five years, tourism industry as we know it is dead. Genuine tourists are mostly retired senior citizens and they are the most vulnerable in any adverse health conditions. And only a minuscule of tourists are adventurous.

The relevance of Virtual Tourism Parlours (VTPs) comes in here. Imagine a totally blind tourist and contrast it with a normal one. It is all what he sees that substantiates his experience. VTPs must be able to provide the relevant visual experience by way of all the modern gadgetry.

It doesn’t take rocket science to provide such experiences to genuine tourists who have been handicapped and trapped in time. They must be able to visit all the major tourist spots and even experience wildlife and waterfalls sitting in a parlour for a few hours. And most importantly it must be affordable. A full day virtual visit to London must not cost more than $100.

The business opportunity is unimaginably big, challenging and rewarding.

COVID-19: Much ado about nothing?

After frightening the whole world about COVID-19 virus and its unknown implications, we are slowly wondering whether it was yet another case of much ado about nothing or something insignificant. Only WHO can be blamed for its over reaction about something before it could study in detail.

No doubt a few lakhs the world over have died, but an overwhelming majority of it was primarily due to other major reasons. But the panic created by WHO’s blunder has destroyed the livelihood and lives of millions of people the world over. The number of suicides all over the world will eventually overtake the toll indirectly attributed to COVID-19.

WHO has proven itself to an ineffective organisation to be in charge of the health of human beings in this planet. Whether this immature false alarm was a genuine blunder or as a result of the over enthusiasm of a few to do something huge in their jobtime, remains to be investigated. The one and only positive result of this humongous exercise is that the whole world had a full dress rehearsal for something similar by a fatal pandemic if it happens in the next few decades.

Right now, WHO will disappear from the scene by shouting ‘Honey, I shrunk the World Economy’.

Why not drone mounted ‘Mob’ Scanners?

 All viruses and bacteria have their own specific shapes and we have our own mechanisms to zoom our view into anything to any extent. Also we have adequate AI algorithms which can interpret any virus shapes on target images and alert us.

Then what is preventing us from developing drone mounted ‘mob’ scanners to scan the crowds in public places like Airports, Stadiums and even theatres to identify the large scale presence of dangerous organisms in individuals or areas?

For those who doubt our capabilities for imaging such dimensions, here is a recent invention that can even see viruses.