Sunday, August 09, 2020

Virtual Tourism Parlours

If WHO makes another blunder or a genuine pandemic happens within next five years, tourism industry as we know it is dead. Genuine tourists are mostly retired senior citizens and they are the most vulnerable in any adverse health conditions. And only a minuscule of tourists are adventurous.

The relevance of Virtual Tourism Parlours (VTPs) comes in here. Imagine a totally blind tourist and contrast it with a normal one. It is all what he sees that substantiates his experience. VTPs must be able to provide the relevant visual experience by way of all the modern gadgetry.

It doesn’t take rocket science to provide such experiences to genuine tourists who have been handicapped and trapped in time. They must be able to visit all the major tourist spots and even experience wildlife and waterfalls sitting in a parlour for a few hours. And most importantly it must be affordable. A full day virtual visit to London must not cost more than $100.

The business opportunity is unimaginably big, challenging and rewarding.

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